Not more than 60 college credits
Not more than 120 college credits
Since 30 to 60 credits
Since 30 to 120 credits
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Administration
+ Master of Science (MS) in Administration
+ Master of Business Administration (MBA)
+ Master of Public Administration (MPA)
+ Accounting Administration
+ Administrative Sciences
+ Business Adiministration
+ Church Administration
+ Finance Administration
+ Health Administration
+ Medical Administrative
+ Medical Office Management and Administration
+ NGOs Administration and Management
+ Nursing Administration
+ Public Administration
+ Sport Administration and Management
CIP Codes:
51.07) Health and Medical Administrative Services.
- 51.0701) Health/Health Care Administration/Management.
- 51.0702) Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management.
- 51.0703) Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk.
- 51.0704) Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor.
- 51.0705) Medical Office Management/Administration.
- 51.0706) Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator.
- 51.0707) Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician.
- 51.0708) Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist.
- 51.0709) Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant.
- 51.0710) Medical Office Assistant/Specialist.
- 51.0711) Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist.
- 51.0712) Medical Reception/Receptionist.
- 51.0713) Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder.
- 51.0714) Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller.
- 51.0715) Health/Medical Claims Examiner.
- 51.0716) Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary.
- 51.0717) Medical Staff Services Technology/Technician.
- 51.0718) Long Term Care Administration/Management.
- 51.0719) Clinical Research Coordinator.
- 51.0799) Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other.
+ Master of Arts in Counseling / Mental Health Counseling
+ Master of Arts in Holistic Counseling
+ Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling
+ Master of Arts in Spiritual Counseling
+ Master of Science in Counseling / Mental Health Counseling
+ Master of Science in Holistic Counseling
+ Master of Science in Pastoral Counseling
+ Master of Science in Spiritual Counseling
+ Master of Counseling
+ Master of Counseling (Hons)
Master of Holistic Counseling
+ Master of Mental Health Counseling
Master of Pastoral Counseling
Master of Spiritual Counseling
CIP Codes:
30.05) Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.
30.23) Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies.
30.28) Dispute Resolution. 42) PSYCHOLOGY.42.01) Psychology, General.
42.27) Research and Experimental Psychology.
- 42.2701) Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics.
- 42.2702) Comparative Psychology.
- 42.2703) Developmental and Child Psychology.
- 42.2704) Experimental Psychology.
- 42.2705) Personality Psychology.
- 42.2706) Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology.
- 42.2707) Social Psychology.
- 42.2708) Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology.
- 42.2709) Psychopharmacology.
- 42.2799) Research and Experimental Psychology, Other.
42.28) Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology.
- 42.2801) Clinical Psychology.
- 42.2802) Community Psychology.
- 42.2803) Counseling Psychology.
- 42.2804) Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- 42.2805) School Psychology.
- 42.2806) Educational Psychology.
- 42.2807) Clinical Child Psychology.
- 42.2808) Environmental Psychology.
- 42.2809) Geropsychology.
- 42.2810) Health/Medical Psychology.
- 42.2811) Family Psychology.
- 42.2812) Forensic Psychology.
- 42.2813) Applied Psychology.
- 42.2814) Applied Behavior Analysis.
- 42.2899) Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology, Other.
42.99) Psychology, Other.
51.15) Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions.
- 51.1501) Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling.
- 51.1502) Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician.
- 51.1503) Clinical/Medical Social Work.
- 51.1504) Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling.
- 51.1505) Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling.
- 51.1506) Clinical Pastoral Counseling/Patient Counseling.
- 51.1507) Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.
- 51.1508) Mental Health Counseling/Counselor.
- 51.1509) Genetic Counseling/Counselor.
- 51.1599) Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other.
51.23) Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions.
- 51.2301) Art Therapy/Therapist.
- 51.2302) Dance Therapy/Therapist.
- 51.2305) Music Therapy/Therapist.
- 51.2306) Occupational Therapy/Therapist.
- 51.2307) Orthotist/Prosthetist.
- 51.2308) Physical Therapy/Therapist.
- 51.2309) Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy.
- 51.2310) Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling/Counselor.
- 51.2311) Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist.
- 51.2312) Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabiliation Engineering.
- 51.2313) Animal-Assisted Therapy.
- 51.2314) Rehabilitation Science.
- 51.2399) Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other.
51.2503) Veterinary Physiology (Cert., MS, PhD)
51.31) Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services.
- 51.3101) Dietetics/Dietitian (RD).
- 51.3102) Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist.
- 51.3103) Dietetic Technician (DTR).
- 51.3104) Dietitian Assistant.
- 51.3199) Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services, Other.
51.32) Bioethics/Medical Ethics.
51.33) Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems.- 51.3300) Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, General.
- 51.3301) Acupuncture.
- 51.3302) Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology.
- 51.3303) Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND).
- 51.3304) Homeopathic Medicine/Homeopathy.
- 51.3305) Ayurvedic Medicine/Ayurveda.
- 51.3306) Holistic Health.
- 51.3399) Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, Other.
51.34) Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services.
- 51.3401) Direct Entry Midwifery (LM, CPM).
- 51.3499) Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services, Other.
51.35) Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services.
- 51.3501) Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage.
- 51.3502) Asian Bodywork Therapy.
- 51.3503) Somatic Bodywork.
- 51.3599) Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services, Other.
51.36) Movement and Mind-Body Therapies and Education.
- 51.3601) Movement Therapy and Movement Education.
- 51.3602) Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy.
- 51.3603) Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist.
- 51.3699) Movement and Mind-Body Therapies and Education, Other.

- 51.3701) Aromatherapy.
- 51.3702) Herbalism/Herbalist.
- 51.3703) Polarity Therapy.
- 51.3704) Reiki.
- 51.3799) Energy and Biologically Based Therapies, Other.
39.07) Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries.
- 39.0701) Pastoral Studies/Counseling.
- 39.0702) Youth Ministry.
- 39.0703) Urban Ministry.
- 39.0704) Women's Ministry.
- 39.0705) Lay Ministry.
- 39.0799) Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries, Other.
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Education
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching
+ Master of Science (MS/MSc) in Education
+ Master of Science (MS/MSc) in Teaching
+ Master of Education in Medicine (MEM)
+ Master of Science (MS/MSc) in Health Education
+ Master of Science (MS/MSc) in Public Health Education
+ Master of Science (MS/MSc) in Sport Coaching
CIP Codes:
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Fine Arts
+ Master of Science (MS) in Fine Arts
+ MA/MS in one of Fine Arts sub-categories
+ MFA in one of Fine Arts sub-categories
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Media Communications
+ Master of Science (MS) in Media Communications
Master of Divinity (MDiv) (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Chaplaincy Studies
Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Science in Ministry (MSM) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Ministry (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Ministry
Master of Arts in Missiology (M.A. Miss.)
Master of Science (MS) in Missiology (M.S. Miss.)
Master in Missiology (M.Miss.)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Missiology
Master of Arts (MA) in Canon Law
Master of Science (MS) in Canon Law
Master of Canon Law (J.C.M.) - Latin: Juris Canonici Magister
Master of Arts (MA) in Canon Law and Utroque Iure
Licentiate in Canon Law - Canonical degree of Juris Canonici Licentiatus
Licentiate in utroque iure ("utroque iure Licentiatus"), Licentiate of Utriusque Iuris ("Utriusque iuris Licentiatus") - Canonical degree
In particular: in order to obtain the Doctorate in Utrioque Iure, given the particular curriculum required, it is essential to have obtained the Licentiate in Utroque Iure.
Master of Arts in Church Music (M.A.C.M) - (Major & Minor are possible)
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Music (+ Major)
+ Master of Science (MS) in Music (+ Major)
+ Master of Music (MM) + major (example: Master of Music in Sacred Music, Master of Music in Composition or Master of Music in Conducting)
+ Master of Music Business (MMB)
+ Master of Music Composition
+ Master of Music Production (MMP)
Master of Arts in Sacred Music
Master of Science in Sacred Music
Master of Sacred Music
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Sacred Music
Licentiate in Sacred Music (Major in Vocal performance)
+ Master of Singing (MS)
+ Master of Vocal Coaching (MVC)
+ Master of Vocal Performance (MVP)
+ Master of Voice Teaching (MVT)
+ Master of Arts (MA) in Social Work
+ Master of Sicence (MS) in Social Work
1. Licentiate in Theology (L.Th.) - (Christian oriented)
2. Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) - (Catholic oriented)
Master of Arts in Theology (MAT) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Science in Theology (MST) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Science in Theological Studies (MSTS) - (Major & Minor are possible)
Master of Anthropology of Religion
Master of Biblical Egyptology
Master of Biblical Literature
Master of Biblical Studies
Master of Buddhism
Master of Buddhist Studies
Mster of Chaplaincy Studies
Master of Christian History
Master of Comparative Religion
Master of Divinity (M.Div., magister divinitatis), requires 72 credits
Master of Metaphysics
Master of Philosophy
Master of Philosophy of Religion
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Theology
Master of Religion (M.Rel.)
Master of Religious Philosophy
Master of Religious Studies
Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) - (Catholic oriented)
Master of Shamanism
Master of Spiritual Leadership
Master of Sufism
Master of Taoism
Master of Taoist Studies
Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
Master of Theology (M.Th.)
Master of World Religion